Tiny gains... I'll take them

Yesterday was a forced rest day due to school and a meeting about CrossFit Kids last night. Can't wait for these classes to start. If you have kids and are interested in getting them involved in an activity that will make them stronger, faster, and healthier in general and build a foundation of fitness that will stay with them well into their adulthood then check out the new program at GSX. We'll be starting signups in Novemeber!

Went to workout at an odd time for me today. Early afternoon is rarely an option but it was nice to have the whole gym to fiddle around in.

Full Snatches (something I'm not great at. Something I'm not avoiding):
95x2 (power snatched it)
95x 1
100x missed -I'll get this next time. More of a mental block than a strength thing.

Back Squat: (getting back into the groove-can't wait to get my numbers back up)

The metcon:
10 rounds:
5 Burpees
10 1.5 pood KBS
Time: 8:20

Oh. My. God.

This one is deceptive. Doesn't look too bad right? Terrible. Awful. Left me rolling on the floor, trying to breathe for way longer than usual. Having said that I'm sure I'll do it again. There's something "magical" about that evil combination. Try it and let me know how you do but you HAVE to use a heavy KB. That's over 40% of my bodyweight to give you an idea of what to shoot for.