Wardrobe Malfunction

It was very apparent when I tried to get out of bed this morning that I wouldn't be doing any lifting that involved lower body today. The pistols from yesterday have left me pretty sore...but in a good way. So, I decided to just work on some upper body strength/skill work and then do a short, not too strenuous metcon. It went a little
something like this:

Ring dips: 5x5 Making sure to get good and deep and to not use too much forward inclination.:-)
In between sets I worked on muscle ups. Jumping muscleups may be the way to go for now.

Then I did some sort of crazy messed up version of tabata pushups. Some how or another I got all off track and ended up doing like 10 seconds on 10 seconds off. Whatever. I was failing at the end so I'm assuming I pushed hard enough.

Then I tried Annie which is 50,40,30, 20, 10 of double unders and situps. This is when things got interesting and I almost gave my fellow gym goers an eye full. I was killing the first set of doubleunders when my pants slowly started falling lower...and lower...and lower on my hips until I felt it was necessary that I stop or risk being arrested for indecent exposure by the two police officers working out in the gym. Can anyone say full moon? So... the rest of the workout I was kinda hitching up my pants.Oh well, I guess it means I have definitely lost fat since they were a size small spandex capris I was wearing. But, I'll have to remember to wear something that is bounce proof next time I attempt doubleunder or Annie. Either way I finished in 6:22 so I am pretty confident I can improve on that without my silly pants falling off  and I know that's a PR for me.

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