
3x3x3 Front Squats

Then 2 rounds of:

Max reps 95# thrusters for 1 min
Rest 1 min
Max Reps Ball slams 12#
Rest 1 min
Calorie row
Rest 1 min
Max reps burpees

Did a fair amount of deadlift work yesterday and I knew I wanted to try my best to do the WOD as Rxd with 95# thrusters so I went a little lighter than I normally would.


Then for the metcon....I was NERVOUS about the heavy thrusters. Every time I tried to do 95 before I couldnt really even get the bar off my shoulders. But I did today!

My reps went a little something like this:

Round 1: 7,33,19,20
Round 2: 5,33,19,20

I really tried to match what I did on the first round. Thrusters were just too heavy for me to eek out 2 more but I am still really happy with them.

Chuck and I spent the time in between the 6am and 8:30 am classes having a very serious discussion over a cup of coffee...see pic above for Chuck's serious face.


M.A. Deavers said...

Serious discussions are cool.

Unknown said...

Very cool. Especially when you make super serious faces.