"Get in shape girl!"
Today's workout:
30 minutes of globo cardio (I don't want to hear it!)
Complete five rounds of:
On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings - one pair hung app. 8' off the ground and the second 4" off the ground.
My impression: I suck at front lever work.
Then I was waiting around the gym for the guys to finish and for some reason remembered the workout stuff I had when I was probably 6 or 7 years old. It involved a ballet bar, gymnstics ribbons, some hand weights, a visor, and I even had arm bands and leg warmers. The little kit was called "Get in shape girl!" and I think this may have kicked off my obsession with working out.
Here's the old commercials:
Happy Birthay to Meeeeeeee!!!!!!
I love you guys. Everyone who wished me a happy birthday and knows how hard I've been working the last few weeks, thank you for the encouragement and the support.
Mike and Kristy thank you for the bottle of wine. You guys are the best. Love, love, love you both.
Chuck, well words just can't explain it all...
Mom and Dad, thank you so much for everything. I'm almost a big girl. One more year.
Oh and hears to looking better at 30 than I ever did at 20.
Kristy and Nessa are HOT!
But if this ever happens... nuh uh...
Thursday a Friday got derailed. I had to work two very long (13 hour) days spent on my feet the whole time. The work was unplanned but when the opportunity arises I have to take it because working out doesn't pay the bills (how I wish it did!). I thought Saturday was going to be an awesome day to workout given my rest days but my body had other plans. I was going to do "Eva" which is 5 rounds of 800 meter run, 30 1.5 pood swings, 30 pullups. Well, one round in and I felt like I couldn't breathe, my legs were made of lead, Iwas nauseated, and felt just plain weird. I'm still not sure what was (and still is) going on. I stopped drinking Coke Zeros this week and tried to avoid anything with artificial sweeteners and drank more coffee than is good for any human being while I was at work...and minimal water. So, I think I was definitely dehydrated. But, I'm still feeling weird today. Hopefully, this will pass by tomorrow.
Oh....and I got a HSPU! Yeah! Finally! It's kipped and I can only do like one at a time but still! I got it!
Back in the swing of things!
Our new ring set up at home.
So, I had some major work for school to do last week. I still have plenty of work actually but I have a little more time to it in. So, I returned to the gym after the CF Endurance cert and did:
Snatches: 87 lbs working on form/technique. About 1 million reps.
250 meter row
5 95# OHS
10 burpees
for 5 rounds
Time: 11:12
Monday 11/9/09
3.6 mile run outside around the TCU loop. First loop I tried to pose. Let me stress "tried". I definitely felt it in my calves and the front of my foot. On the second loop I went back to heel striking.
Tuesday 11/10/09
10 pistols
15 pullups
AMRAP in 20 minutes
8 rounds plus the HSPU
HSPU were to one abmat! AND I finally figured out how to kip the HSPU. I feel a full HSPU coming very soon!
The other side of life...
I also have a wonderful boyfriend, a loving family,the cutest pit bull and some of the best friends a girl could ask for (MD, KD, CP, NM, DD, SC... you guys know who you are). And I like to spend as much time with them as I can. So, they'll always get more attention than CF will. Mike, my priorities...they're being realigned.
Clean and Jerk: worked up to 125. Thought I'd try 135 for a PR. Pulled it just fine, dropped under it but couldn't quite stand it up. Time to work a** to grass front squats.
10 minutes
5 HSPU (blue band assist)
Max DU's every minute
Wow! That's a shoulder smoker. I could barely turn the rope by the end. But, my HSPU's are getting way way better. Can't wait to try without the band.
Mister and the box he "killed".
This weekends events...
Saturday 10/31/09
Didn't feel worth anything Saturday morning but I wanted to workout since I knew I'd be enjoying Halloween and eating and drinking more than normal. My back was still hurting from Thursday's workout.
Light Clean and Jerks working up to 115lbs
Bench Press: 105x5,5,6 (PR for reps)
HSPU band assisted (two blue bands)- 5,5,5,5,7
No tabata pullups since my back/trap was bothering me so much.
Tabata pushups: Can't remember the exact numbers but I know it was down after all the pushing right before.
Halloween night was a lot of fun! "Canadian costumes, Haunted House, Winslow's, excellent company with Mr. and Mrs. Deavers = Great Halloween Night!
Sunday: 11/1/09
Again, motivation lacking but it wasn't to bad once I got into it. My trap is still hurting a bit so again I took it light on the upper body lifting.
Snatches: TONS of reps. Worked a lot of light ones trying to make my technique better.
Front Squat: Worked up to 145x2-PR
Then Tabata OHS (an experiment):
Tabata KTE:
Front Squat Today
Then watched "The Strangers". I may not sleep tonight and I will never look people with masks the same way ever again. Scary, scary movie. Thanks for the suggestion, Mike.
Tiny gains... I'll take them
Went to workout at an odd time for me today. Early afternoon is rarely an option but it was nice to have the whole gym to fiddle around in.
Full Snatches (something I'm not great at. Something I'm not avoiding):
95x2 (power snatched it)
95x 1
100x missed -I'll get this next time. More of a mental block than a strength thing.
Back Squat: (getting back into the groove-can't wait to get my numbers back up)
The metcon:
10 rounds:
5 Burpees
10 1.5 pood KBS
Time: 8:20
Oh. My. God.
This one is deceptive. Doesn't look too bad right? Terrible. Awful. Left me rolling on the floor, trying to breathe for way longer than usual. Having said that I'm sure I'll do it again. There's something "magical" about that evil combination. Try it and let me know how you do but you HAVE to use a heavy KB. That's over 40% of my bodyweight to give you an idea of what to shoot for.
Muscle-Up Work and HSPUs
Today was a skill work day.
I worked on MU progressions and kip. I must admit the kip is coming along. Before, I just had no idea what to do with my body. Now, I'm getting my hips much higher and pulling the rings to the chest/nip area. I worked a few banded HSPU and hand stand holds against the wall. I think I went a little overboard on pressing movements yesterday because....
Today I felt weak weak weak! I'm feeling a little under the weather too so that definitely didn't help. So, I worked on some full clean and jerks. I just went up to 115 and stopped. Just keeping my technique up. I also worked on jumping MU in between. I was too fatigued and sore to push out of the dip but I'm betting I'll be doing that by next week.
DE pressing:
70x 10 sets of 2 with 30-60 seconds of rest in between. Most were done with only 30 seconds of rest.
Then a metcon of:
Max reps HSPU (band assisted-one blue band and 1 green band)
15 24 inch box jumps
***3 rounds with 1 minute rest in between to make the most of the HSPU.
I got 15, 12, 12 on the HSPU. I really like doing them using the bands. I want a HSPU so bad!!!
Click here for a video of Band Supported Handstand Pushups
Saturday's video
Click here >>> Video of Saturday's WOD
Vanessa's adventures in trying to do CF workouts and count simultaneously...
Saturday 10/24/09
The Saturday group class was at Luke's Locker followed by the trainer's wod "Grace". The group wod was lots of fun. "Grace" might have been fun if I could figure out how to count and do clean and jerks at the same time. Ha! Oh well, good practice and I know I'll do it again in a few weeks with only 30 reps. I'd like to check some other women's time for "Grace" and try to get close to good score.
Fun with duck walks
Kristy and Carolyn drop it like it's hot.
Later on Chuck and I went back to the gym. It went like:
45x5, 65x3, 100x5,5,5,6
Tabata pullups:
Tabata pushups:
Bench is much better than last week. I got more reps and that was AFTER the morning wod. Pushup and pullup number were down but I blame on fatigue.
Sunday 10/25/09:
Getting sore in the shoulder/chest area!
Power Snatch:
65x2, 85x2, 90x1, 95x1 (PR)
Dynamic Effort Deadlifts:
Tabata Squats:
22,21,21,20,20,20,20,19= 163
Tabata butterfly, abmat situps:
16,16,15,15,14,15,14,15= 120
Very happy with the snatch PR. That was a suprise after yesterday's wod and how fatigued my upper body felt today.
Tabata numbers were better overall today. My legs were HURTING after the air squats. OUCH.
ChuckFit= Good week so far!
Rest.... although I did work on Muscle-up progressions, false grip pullups (rings to chest), and did some serious stretching and foam rolling. I also worked on holding handstands against the wall. We have a theory that some of the smaller, supporting musculature in my shoulders are weak from...well never having really used them (i.e. I was never a gymnast and didn't do any sports when I was younger). Hoping some of this will translate into stronger upper body lifts.
Day 4: 10/20/09
WarmUp: Burgener warmup, row
Clean and Press: worked up to 130x1. I believe that is a PR for a full clean and jerk. So super happy with that since I'm not working to increase my Oly stuff right now. Just maintain.
Dynamic Effort Press: 65 for 10 sets of 2. Very fast. Worked on form and technique.
Metcon: 15 pullups, 10 box jumps (24 inches) x 3 rounds
Time 3:32
Day 5: 10/21/09
Snatch: worked up to 90. Couldn't quite get 95. I'm high enough. Technique needs work.
Deadlift: worked up to 255x5. Yay! It's coming back fast. I want a new PR!!!
8 sets of 250 meter row with 60 seconds rest in between. Ugh. Legs hurt! Lost count of my times but the firt 2-3 were in the 1:46 500m/split range.
Had a 37 year old man come in today who three months ago was a normal, functioning husband and father who loved reading and who his wife described as incredibly intelligent. Today, he couldn't tell me the year, how old his daughter is, or even write a sentence. Puts things in perspective huh?
"ChuckFit" Day 1 and 2
Day 1:
Pre-class workout
Full clean and jerks
Worked up to a heavy single of 125. Not a max just making sure I don't lose any ground here. Pretty pleased with 125. I know that ties an old PR and went up pretty easily.
Bench press
After class workout:
Tabata pushups
15,8,4,3,3,4,4,4= 45
Tabata Pullups
10,9,10,6,6,4,6,4= 55
Day 2
Really getting sore and tight in my chest and shoulders from yesterdays tabata work so I stayed light
Singles at 65 working on technique
Dynamic Effort Squats
Went really low in the last half of the sets. We're hoping this will help with squat cleans, snatches, front squats etc. and of course making my back squat stronger (duh).
Tabata Squats:
Tabata butterfly, abmat, unachored situps:
Cheat meal goodness! Good for strength gains AND fat loss. :-)
You should be F****ING UNCOMFORTABLE!
The workout was:
3 Rounds of
15 95# Thrusters
15 20# slam balls
15 burpees
15 doubleunder
Time: 22:34
SLOW but the thrusters were broken down to singles pretty early. I only missed two the whole time so that's a small victory in and of itself. Flew through everything else unbroken. This will be an awesome benchmark and way to measure upper body strength gains and the effectiveness of "ChuckFit".
Self-Esteem: Where'd you find yours?
But, I wonder do some of us always feel self-assured? If so is it nurture or nature that makes some of us feel so damn confident? Or do most of us go through an awkward stage when we feel like everyone is judging us and we can't do anything right? (Ummm.... puberty?) Is this awkward stage drawn out well into adulthood for most of us or nipped in the bud sometime in our teenage years or early twenties? I'm sure the answers to these questions vary according to each and every person.
But really....What is it that makes everyone else tick? Where did you "discover" your self-esteem?
Working my weaknesses
Bench Press:
5x5 with 95lbs
After I found my 1 rep max (a humbling 120lbs).
I guess I can't complain too much. We don't bench a lot in CF. But that's about to change for me or so Chuck tells me. He's going to do my programming starting next week and see if I can get a little stronger in my chest, delts, back and improve some gymnastics skills too.
Then I did a little metcon based on what didn't hurt today. That left me with very little to choose from. I ended up with:
400 meter run
15 1 pood SDHP
15 GHD situps
15 KB swings
x 3 rounds
Time: 10:04
This is better than coffee in the morning or so he says. I'll take his word for it.
Sushi and CF Talk= Good Times
Candice Ruiz,
Charles Bennington,
Emily Wessle,
Jason Buzzard,
Vanessa Sisson
Posted by
9:39 AM
Buzzard and Emily
Emily and Candice
Me and Chuck B
Candice missing her hubby. You gotta come out with us next time!
Wardrobe Malfunction
something like this:
Ring dips: 5x5 Making sure to get good and deep and to not use too much forward inclination.:-)
In between sets I worked on muscle ups. Jumping muscleups may be the way to go for now.
Then I did some sort of crazy messed up version of tabata pushups. Some how or another I got all off track and ended up doing like 10 seconds on 10 seconds off. Whatever. I was failing at the end so I'm assuming I pushed hard enough.
Then I tried Annie which is 50,40,30, 20, 10 of double unders and situps. This is when things got interesting and I almost gave my fellow gym goers an eye full. I was killing the first set of doubleunders when my pants slowly started falling lower...and lower...and lower on my hips until I felt it was necessary that I stop or risk being arrested for indecent exposure by the two police officers working out in the gym. Can anyone say full moon? So... the rest of the workout I was kinda hitching up my pants.Oh well, I guess it means I have definitely lost fat since they were a size small spandex capris I was wearing. But, I'll have to remember to wear something that is bounce proof next time I attempt doubleunder or Annie. Either way I finished in 6:22 so I am pretty confident I can improve on that without my silly pants falling off and I know that's a PR for me.
10/10/09- Pistol Packing Mamma
Chuck has been doing some of the Crossfit Football workouts so I decided to join him after I lifted. The original workout was:
Stepups with 40% of your one rep max squat
ring pushups
supine ring pullups
But, I aggravated something in my right glute/hip earlier this year doing heavy step-ups and until I get to the chiropractor/Airrosti I decided it's be best not to do heavy steup ups again. So instead I chose...Pistols. I wasn't real sure how this was going to go since I haven't done a WOD with pistols since last Decemeber...yeah...WAY to long and those weren't very great if I remember correctly. But, I got after it and 110 pistols later I finished in 10:44. Bouncing out of the bottom is KEY!
Also, had a great meeting with all the GSX folks this afternoon followed by yummy noms with a great couple.
All in all today was a good day.
Rest day... for my body anyway
Then 2 rounds of:
Max reps 95# thrusters for 1 min
Rest 1 min
Max Reps Ball slams 12#
Rest 1 min
Calorie row
Rest 1 min
Max reps burpees
Did a fair amount of deadlift work yesterday and I knew I wanted to try my best to do the WOD as Rxd with 95# thrusters so I went a little lighter than I normally would.
Then for the metcon....I was NERVOUS about the heavy thrusters. Every time I tried to do 95 before I couldnt really even get the bar off my shoulders. But I did today!
My reps went a little something like this:
Round 1: 7,33,19,20
Round 2: 5,33,19,20
I really tried to match what I did on the first round. Thrusters were just too heavy for me to eek out 2 more but I am still really happy with them.
Chuck and I spent the time in between the 6am and 8:30 am classes having a very serious discussion over a cup of coffee...see pic above for Chuck's serious face.
10/6/09 100 Pullups? Yeah, I got that.....
Other interesting news for today: I interviewed for a new job. It's a great job, with lots of responsibilities and it's STEADY unlike my current arrangement with the nursing agency. BUT I also have a lot on my plate with school and of course..CrossFit. So, hopefully everything will work out for the best.
GSX Wod: 10/5/09
olympic lifting,
ring dips,
Vanessa Sisson
Posted by
4:36 PM
Allow 20min to find 1RM Snatch
Snatch: 90lbs PR! I think I've got 95 in me pretty easily. Funny how I seem to split most everything when it gets heavy overhead. Snatches are no exception.
Sumo Deadlfift High Pull-75lbs
Ring Dips
Time: 4:35
Ring dips felt much better than they have in the recent past.
I was informed that there's a new Crossfit standard regarding the dip. Apparently, you are now not supposed to bend at the hips or "kip" your dips. Ummm....not this girl. Not yet anyway. Sure, I can knock out a few text book ring dips at the beginning but I HAVE to kip if I want to get through an entire workout full of ring dips. When my kipped ring dips are unbroken I'll move on to being ultra-super Crossfit super woman and do them without any hip involvement.
On a side note, I just finished about 16 weeks of a protein sparing, low calorie/carb diet. I lost some bodyfat and didn't backslide too much in the strength department. Now, I get a couple of weeks off to let my metabolism catch back up and then maybe have another go at it. The only problem is I'm not sure what in the heck to eat now that I have more choices. I'm thinking stay as paleo as possible....... Thoughts?
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