You should be F****ING UNCOMFORTABLE!

I was yelling this during the early class this morning trying to motivate some of my fellow CFers to keep pushing through a long, taxing workout. It's really hard when your lungs are burning, your muscles are shaking, and you're gasping for air to keep grinding through a workout. But that's really the kind of mental and physical toughness that CF requires and builds over time. I had my own "lesson" in embracing the suck or being REAL f****ing uncomfortable after the 6am crew rolled out. I've got two 12 hour work days coming up and probably not a whole lot of working out to look forward to. So I needed a hard workout to make me sore and wore out enough over the next two days as to avoid feeling guilty for the rest. Well, Chuck must hate me because he suggested a CrossFit Football WOD he did a few days ago. I saw him do this workout and it did NOT look like all. But, I must be mildly retarded because I went ahead and did it. My GOD did I ever want to quit. But, I didn't. It was slow and it was painful but I kept telling myself this is making me stronger.

The workout was:
3 Rounds of 
15 95# Thrusters
15 20# slam balls
15 burpees
15 doubleunder
Time: 22:34

SLOW but the thrusters were broken down to singles pretty early. I only missed two the whole time so that's a small victory in and of itself. Flew through everything else unbroken. This will be an awesome benchmark and way to measure upper body strength gains and the effectiveness of "ChuckFit".


M.A. Deavers said...

"ChuckFit" rocks.

Unknown said...

Yeah it's super awesome. I showed my gratitude by popping him in the butt with one of the blue bands after some banded sprints. Took him down! Hehe....

M.A. Deavers said...

Chuck wants to have kittens with me.

Just thought you should know.

Unknown said...

So which one of you is going to sacrifice your girlish crossfit figures?

Unknown said...

Meow meow!