Working my weaknesses legs are still sore. No back squats or OHS for me today. So, we decided going ahead and tackling some upper body strength work was in order:

Bench Press:
5x5 with 95lbs
After I found my 1 rep max (a humbling 120lbs).

I guess I can't complain too much. We don't bench a lot in CF. But that's about to change for me or so Chuck tells me. He's going to do my programming starting next week and see if I can get a little stronger in my chest, delts, back and improve some gymnastics skills too.

Then I did a little metcon based on what didn't hurt today. That left me with very little to choose from. I ended up with:

400 meter run
15 1 pood SDHP
15 GHD situps
15 KB swings
x 3 rounds

Time: 10:04

This is better than coffee in the morning or so he says. I'll take his word for it.

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