Wednesday's Wod and thoughts about food....

Couldn't get my hiney out of the bed this morning. So I arrived at GSX a little later than normal. Did a quick:

20lb weighted ring pushups:
These are getting easier!

Then joined the 8:30 class for:

7 rounds of:
5 Sumo Deadlift High pulls
5 Power Cleans
5 Pushjerks
at 75lbs
Time: 6:16.

Skinned my neck a little. I'm sure that looks attractive.

Ok, so picked up the book "Naturally Thin" by Bethenney Frankel who you may have seen on "The Real Housewives of NYC". Yeah, yeah laugh it up. But, I was curious as to what she had to say about food. She's pretty antidiet and well, she's thin. Having been on a diet for the last 15 years to say I am really tired of dieting is... well, it's a major understatement. I want to one of seemingly effortlessly thin people damn it! Well, I'm a couple of chapters in a this point and it's making we wonder about a lot of things concerning food. Mainly, I am questioning my constant counting and calculating and eating based on what I should be eating and eating. Wouldn't it be nice to go back to the days when you just ate what you wanted. You stopped when you were ready to and you didn't obsess over every detail. I swear I did this once many many years ago. I wasn't scrawny but I was probably about the same weight I am now... with a lot less anxiety and fear regarding food. So, that' all I've got for now... I'll keep you updated as I work my way through the book.


Dom and Trey said...

Hey girl. I didn't know you blogged. Cool. Thanks for sharing the link via Facebook. I'll have to bookmark it. That book sounds interesting, keep us posted.

Darren said...

What do you mean "back to the days when you just ate what you wanted" lol