Monday 5/17/10-ouch

WOW! So sore from this past weekends workout with Chance and Jenny Williams (of Women's TriFitness Fame). I'm going to compete next year in the WTF so I'm starting training NOW. This stuff is no joke. This past weekends workout was 2 hours of some of the hardest training I've ever done. And I am STILL sore. So Monday was a little less intense than normal.

85lbsx5, 95lbsx5, 105lbsX4, 105x5

5 rounds:
15 1 pood swings
outside rope climb (It's important-it's taller than the one inside ;-) although I was too scared to go all the way to the top! LOL!)
10 pushups
70 meter run

Then rest. No sprints that afternoon. WAY too sore.

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