Kristy and Nessa are HOT!

In more ways than one! ;-) Kristy invited me to a Bikram Yoga class today. For those of you who aren't familiar with yoga, never mind the different KINDS of yoga I'll just simplify it for you. Imagine stretching and balancing and holding...and holding...and holding painful positions while struggling to breathe and remain a 108 degree room. That's what it is. And even though my description sounds none too pleasant I actually really enjoyed it. And I'll probably go back again. Soon. I need something to balance all the compression and beating on my body that I get from CF. This was hard enough to feel like an awesome workout but it was a different type of workout. Loved it.

But if this ever happens... nuh uh...

Thursday a Friday got derailed. I had to work two very long (13 hour) days spent on my feet the whole time. The work was unplanned but when the opportunity arises I have to take it because working out doesn't pay the bills (how I wish it did!). I thought Saturday was going to be an awesome day to workout given my rest days but my body had other plans. I was going to do "Eva" which is 5 rounds of 800 meter run, 30 1.5 pood swings, 30 pullups. Well, one round in and I felt like I couldn't breathe, my legs were made of lead, Iwas nauseated, and  felt just plain weird. I'm still not sure what was (and still is) going on. I stopped drinking Coke Zeros this week and tried to avoid anything with artificial sweeteners and drank more coffee than is good for any human being while I was at work...and minimal water. So, I think I was definitely dehydrated. But, I'm still feeling weird today. Hopefully, this will pass by tomorrow.

Oh....and I got a HSPU! Yeah! Finally! It's kipped and I can only do like one at a time but still! I got it!

1 comment:

M.A. Deavers said...

No doubt. Great photo of the hippy dude. All things in moderation. Post the oil rub down pics soonest.