Kristy and Nessa are HOT!

In more ways than one! ;-) Kristy invited me to a Bikram Yoga class today. For those of you who aren't familiar with yoga, never mind the different KINDS of yoga I'll just simplify it for you. Imagine stretching and balancing and holding...and holding...and holding painful positions while struggling to breathe and remain a 108 degree room. That's what it is. And even though my description sounds none too pleasant I actually really enjoyed it. And I'll probably go back again. Soon. I need something to balance all the compression and beating on my body that I get from CF. This was hard enough to feel like an awesome workout but it was a different type of workout. Loved it.

But if this ever happens... nuh uh...

Thursday a Friday got derailed. I had to work two very long (13 hour) days spent on my feet the whole time. The work was unplanned but when the opportunity arises I have to take it because working out doesn't pay the bills (how I wish it did!). I thought Saturday was going to be an awesome day to workout given my rest days but my body had other plans. I was going to do "Eva" which is 5 rounds of 800 meter run, 30 1.5 pood swings, 30 pullups. Well, one round in and I felt like I couldn't breathe, my legs were made of lead, Iwas nauseated, and  felt just plain weird. I'm still not sure what was (and still is) going on. I stopped drinking Coke Zeros this week and tried to avoid anything with artificial sweeteners and drank more coffee than is good for any human being while I was at work...and minimal water. So, I think I was definitely dehydrated. But, I'm still feeling weird today. Hopefully, this will pass by tomorrow.

Oh....and I got a HSPU! Yeah! Finally! It's kipped and I can only do like one at a time but still! I got it!

Back in the swing of things!


Our new ring set up at home.

So, I had some major work for school to do last week. I still have plenty of work actually but I have a little more time to it in. So, I returned to the gym after the CF Endurance cert and did:

Snatches: 87 lbs working on form/technique. About 1 million reps.
250 meter row
5 95# OHS
10 burpees
for 5 rounds
Time: 11:12

Monday 11/9/09

3.6 mile run outside around the TCU loop. First loop I tried to pose. Let me stress "tried". I definitely felt it in my calves and the front of my foot. On the second loop I went back to heel striking.

Tuesday 11/10/09

10 pistols
15 pullups
AMRAP in 20 minutes
8 rounds plus the HSPU

HSPU were to one abmat! AND I finally figured out how to kip the HSPU. I feel a full HSPU coming  very soon!

The other side of life...


Well, I'm having to take a step back from the gym for a few days. I do have another life besides all this CrossFit stuff (suprise, suprise)and it's very busy. I'm in the Nurse Practitioner program at UTA, which I think some but not everyone knows, and I work several jobs. Well, this week my school has demanded my attention and it has gotten it. At one time in my life, I would have sacrificed grades, relationships, etc to just get my workout in for the day. Not anymore. I've gotten a little wiser and I realize that a day away from the gym...or heck, even a week away from the gym isn't going to mess anything up. I'm not going to become a weakling or turn into a roley poley. I might even come back stronger than before. Regardless, there are other things in my life besides CF and that a-okay by me.

I also have a wonderful boyfriend, a loving family,the cutest pit bull and some of the best friends a girl could ask for (MD, KD, CP, NM, DD, SC... you guys know who you are). And I like to spend as much time with them as I can. So, they'll always get more attention than CF will. Mike, my priorities...they're being realigned.


Worked on a ton of jumping muscleups yesterday (yay, I can DO them finally) so today I was feeling it in my triceps and back.

Clean and Jerk: worked up to 125. Thought I'd try 135 for a PR. Pulled it just fine, dropped under it but couldn't quite stand it up. Time to work a** to grass front squats.



10 minutes
5 HSPU (blue band assist)
Max DU's every minute

Wow! That's a shoulder smoker. I could barely turn the rope by the end. But, my HSPU's are getting way way better. Can't wait to try without the band.

Mister and the box he "killed".

This weekends events...

We're Canadians!


Saturday 10/31/09

Didn't feel worth anything Saturday morning but I wanted to workout since I knew I'd be enjoying Halloween and eating and drinking more than normal. My back was still hurting from Thursday's workout.

Light Clean and Jerks working up to 115lbs
Bench Press: 105x5,5,6 (PR for reps)
HSPU band assisted (two blue bands)- 5,5,5,5,7

No tabata pullups since my back/trap was bothering me so much.

Tabata pushups: Can't remember the exact numbers but I know it was down after all the pushing right before.

Halloween night was a lot of fun! "Canadian costumes, Haunted House, Winslow's, excellent company with Mr. and Mrs. Deavers = Great Halloween Night!

Sunday: 11/1/09

Again, motivation lacking but it wasn't to bad once I got into it. My trap is still hurting a bit so again I took it light on the upper body lifting.

Snatches: TONS of reps. Worked a lot of light ones trying  to make my technique better.
Front Squat: Worked up to 145x2-PR

Then Tabata OHS (an experiment):

Tabata KTE:

Front Squat Today

Then watched "The Strangers". I may not sleep tonight and I will never look people with masks the same way ever again. Scary, scary movie. Thanks for the suggestion, Mike.